My First Self Portrait
Jared Winslow Jared Winslow

My First Self Portrait

I’ve literally never taken a self portrait before, because I was always too uncomfortable, too insecure, too self conscious, and just never liked who I saw looking back at me. Whether it was in a photo, or in a mirror. I still felt all of those feelings, but for the first time, I faced them head on.

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Flying Alone, with a Fear of Flying
Jared Winslow Jared Winslow

Flying Alone, with a Fear of Flying

What I find so fascinating about comfort zones and the way our body reacts, is that you feel yourself hit a peak. The peak is the point when you’re literally in it, doing the exact thing you’re terrified of. Your body and mind are freaking out, you’re at your max, you hit the ceiling, the limit. The limit that you set for yourself. That limit is what you’re used to.

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